Monday, August 30, 2010

Garage Sale Mania

Over the weekend, Monica and I drove to the Midland/ Wasaga area to visit my Aunt Lynn who was holding another garage sale to raise funds for the orphanage. It’s the third sale she’s hosted with the help of some other family members.

To date, she’s raised over $700 doing it. Her goal is to raise $1,000. There’s no question, she’ll reach her goal. I think she’ll surpass it.

So, how does this work? Well, friends and family have donated all kinds of stuff they don’t need or want anymore; children’s clothing, fishing tackle, books, kitchen stuff, etc. And then she puts on a garage sale. When she’s all garage saled-out, she’ll haul everything to a charity store. So, it’s a win-win. She’s doing another one in September, so if you’re in the area, please do stop by.

The $700 she raised is already enough to pay for a year of school for one of the children.

The best part is that she is coming to the orphanage with me in January, so she can meet first-hand the children she will be helping to put through school.

I’m so blown away and so grateful for all of my aunts and family – Lynn, Barb, Judy, Susan, Nancy, my grandmother, my mom, Tammy, David, Jeff, Gary and everyone else who has been helping to make this happen.

Thank you!

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